Thursday, July 26, 2012

Going crazy!!!

He got back late last night and although I didn't expect to hear from him then I thought I would have done by now. It's almost 11:30 and nothing. I have sent him two messages already and I need to stop! If the past with him is anything to go by I would hope this silence is just temporary and that I am going crazy over nothing. I just want to speak to him so bad and pick up from where we left off last week. GRRRRR this crappy feeling needs to pass!!!

In other news.... I passed my test for my motorcycle permit. Going to take a two day class that at the end of it you take the test right there and then to get your license. Can't wait to buy a bike. Looking at a Suzki GS500 or an SV650 or something similar. I want a standard bike and not one that will give me back ache from leaning forward all the time.

Thats it for now. Wish me like with the whole man drama. I hope I can look back on this post in a couple of days and laugh that I was even worried about it all.

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