Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Apartment?

I think I found a new place to live yesterday. I was scanning craigslist, not expecting to find a whole lot, when I happened across an ad for a one bedroom apartment in North Reading, on a pond. They were asking $795 plus utilities. Now this would mean spending more money as I currently pay $800 with everything included. But I called the guy up and went to see it last night. I get there and the place looks nice, the drive there was awesome from work, hardly any traffic, and the street is quiet and peaceful. It turns out that the lady in the one apartment, the current landlords sister, wants to move into the apartment that is about to become vacant. So I view her apartment instead. It's very small and the kitchen is old and mis-matched. But it has everything I need, including a laundry room with hook ups for a washer and dryer. And here's the best part. Because it's smaller than the apartment I was originally going to see, and it faces the road instead of the pond with a deck, they only want $700 a month for it, plus he told me its cheaper to heat too. He called me last night and sent me the rental application and pretty much told me it's mine if I want it. And as a completely added bonus, he is willing to wait until October 1st for me to move in because I paid my current roommate a month in advance. Everything is just telling me this move is meant to be. Compared to where I live now it will definitely be a comfort shock. I have kinda been spoiled for the last three months with the luxury of our new townhouse. But this move would be a step in the right direction of becoming completely independant again. My own front door, my own bills, free to decorate however I want to, mine mine mine. So I am going to run a few numbers today but I am pretty set on this. I think I am moving! I set out a list of goals yesterday, and today I am fulfilling one. I think that's pretty good going if you ask me!

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